White Plains is home to a historic building that once belonged to the composer Percy Grainger. In 1893, David Cromwell purchased this house and used it as his office and studio for music composition before eventually becoming County Treasurer in White Plains.
Though Percy Grainger is known as a composer and pianist, he was also interested in painting. For forty years in the USA (from 1921 until his death), the Australian native occupied 7 Cromwell Place with its American Foursquare wood-shingled house. The house was used for residence and as a practice studio by this innovative musician who was responsible for many early 20th century musical innovations such as experimental music machines.
Then, his son John Chester Cromwell moved in. In 1921 years after Chester’s death and while Percy Grainger’s mother still lived there with him, Percy became one of the most famous musicians ever to live at the famous house.
After composer Percy Grainer married Ella Strom in 1928, he permanently settled down to enjoy his new life as a husband and father. He never left the house that would be theirs until death did claim him many years later, at age 71 on June 15th, 1961. But this was not before leaving an invaluable gift behind-the beautiful score for what is now one of our most popular places to be visited by both locals and tourists.
With today’s tour, you’ll get a taste of what life was like in medieval times. You can see the Cromwells’ household things and Grainger’s furnishings. They say that the masterful Percy Grainger was a musical prodigy, and it’s easy to see why. His home in White Plains is now one of many places visitors can learn more about this incredible musician who changed so much with his time on earth.
The house at 7 Cromwell Pl, White Plains, NY 10601 is a must-see for anyone interested in music history. It was here that Percy Grainger spent most of his childhood. He learned how to play an instrument from watching others perform live performances on stage or record themselves playing their instruments against paper without any sound waves coming out. This process is called “phonautography.” You’ll also find many other attractions, such as The International Society Of United States Artists’ Hall Of Fame And Museum, which houses several objects representing more than fifty years’ worth of experience working both inside and outside Hollywood films. All of it is dedicated to preserving America’s culture through music.
On May 12th, 2017, the Historical Commission in White Plains, NY, recommended that Percy Grainger Home and Studio be designated a historical landmark to the City of White Plains.
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